Cairo to New York flight status today

List of all flights from Cairo Egypt (CAI) to New York United States (JFK) and airlines operated flight from Cairo to New York. The flight is an international flight from Egypt to United States. There are 8 flights operated by 1 airlines on this route.

The distance from Cairo, EG (CAI) to New York, US (JFK) is 9036 km (5615 miles). The time zone of the point of departure Cairo International Airport is GMT +2:00. The current time is Thursday 2024-05-02 00:54 AM. The time zone of the destination point John F. Kennedy International Airport is GMT-5:00 The current time is Wednesday 2024-05-01 17:54 PM.

EgyptAir |

List of 8 flights from Cairo, EG (CAI) to New York, US (JFK).
No. Departure Arrival Last Update Status
MS985 04:20 09:00 Departed Delayed by 2h 30m
MS5091 14:00 19:55 Landed
MS1985 00:06 05:19 Landed
MS3042 01:10 06:00 Landed 05:58
MS3985 15:15 None Arrived Early
MS5090 09:30 14:30 Scheduled On time
MS5042 19:30 00:30 Landed Late
MS5052 19:30 01:07 Landed