El Loa Airport (CJC) Flight Departures

Calama CJC airport departures allow to check status of flight departure from El Loa Airport the information about flight delay status, schedule, terminal and gate.

Departure times are given in local time. Current time at Calama airport is 06:05 AM 2025-02-09

American Airlines | LATAM Airlines | Delta | Iberia | JetSmart | Sky Airline |

American Airlines Arrivals at El Loa Airport
No. Scheduled Estimate/Actual Destination Status
AA7812 22:25 (SCL) Santiago Scheduled



LATAM Airlines Arrivals at El Loa Airport
No. Scheduled Estimate/Actual Destination Status
LA141 07:21 07:21 (SCL) Santiago Scheduled
LA147 09:50 09:50 (SCL) Santiago Scheduled
LA395 12:43 12:43 (LSC) La Serena Scheduled
LA159 13:03 13:03 (CCP) Concepcion Scheduled
LA383 16:14 16:14 (SCL) Santiago Scheduled
LA149 17:17 17:17 (SCL) Santiago Scheduled
LA391 19:48 19:53 (SCL) Santiago Scheduled
LA155 20:18 20:18 (SCL) Santiago Scheduled
LA373 22:36 22:36 (SCL) Santiago Scheduled
LA393 23:19 23:19 (SCL) Santiago Scheduled
LA375 23:47 23:47 (SCL) Santiago Scheduled



Delta Arrivals at El Loa Airport
No. Scheduled Estimate/Actual Destination Status
DL6109 17:17 17:17 (SCL) Santiago Scheduled
DL6301 20:18 20:18 (SCL) Santiago Scheduled



Iberia Arrivals at El Loa Airport
No. Scheduled Estimate/Actual Destination Status
IB6719 09:50 09:50 (SCL) Santiago Scheduled



JetSmart Arrivals at El Loa Airport
No. Scheduled Estimate/Actual Destination Status
JA137 17:46 (LSC) La Serena Scheduled
JA547 20:50 (CCP) Concepcion Scheduled
JA37 22:25 (SCL) Santiago Scheduled
JA43 23:58 (SCL) Santiago Scheduled



Sky Airline Arrivals at El Loa Airport
No. Scheduled Estimate/Actual Destination Status
H2241 06:42 06:42 (SCL) Santiago Scheduled
H2475 16:23 16:23 (LSC) La Serena Scheduled
H2269 22:10 (SCL) Santiago Scheduled
H2259 23:45 (SCL) Santiago Scheduled