Khabarovsk Airport (KHV) Flight Departures

Khabarovsk KHV airport departures allow to check status of flight departure from Khabarovsk Airport the information about flight delay status, schedule, terminal and gate.

Departure times are given in local time. Current time at Khabarovsk airport is 10:30 AM 2025-02-12

Aeroflot | Ural Airlines | Yakutia | S7 Airlines | Aurora |

Aeroflot Arrivals at Khabarovsk Airport
No. Scheduled Estimate/Actual Destination Status
SU4611 07:25 07:39 (BQS) Blagoveshchensk Landed
SU5626 08:10 08:43 (UUS) Yuzhno-Sakhalins Landed
SU5603 08:15 08:53 (VVO) Artyom Landed
SU4595 09:00 09:16 (NLI) Nikolayevsk In Air
SU1711 09:40 (SVO) Moscow Expected
SU5620 09:50 (UUS) Yuzhno-Sakhalins No Takeoff Info - Call Airline
SU5684 10:30 (PKC) Petropavlovsk Scheduled
SU5612 10:55 (GDX) Sokol Scheduled
SU5628 14:00 (UUS) Yuzhno-Sakhalins Scheduled
SU5811 14:35 (SVO) Moscow Scheduled
SU5601 19:00 (VVO) Artyom Scheduled
SU5624 19:15 (UUS) Yuzhno-Sakhalins Scheduled
SU5642 19:25 (OVB) Novosibirsk Scheduled
SU5456 00:35 (HRB) Harbin Scheduled



Ural Airlines Arrivals at Khabarovsk Airport
No. Scheduled Estimate/Actual Destination Status
U6174 07:50 (SVX) Yekaterinburg Expected



Yakutia Arrivals at Khabarovsk Airport
No. Scheduled Estimate/Actual Destination Status
R32105 06:10 (DYR) Anadyr No Recent Info - Call Airline
R3296 17:15 (YKS) Yakutsk Scheduled



S7 Airlines Arrivals at Khabarovsk Airport
No. Scheduled Estimate/Actual Destination Status
S75238 08:35 (OVB) Novosibirsk No Recent Info - Call Airline



Aurora Arrivals at Khabarovsk Airport
No. Scheduled Estimate/Actual Destination Status
HZ2105 06:10 (DYR) Anadyr No Recent Info - Call Airline
HZ4611 07:25 07:39 (BQS) Blagoveshchensk Landed
HZ4595 09:00 09:16 (NLI) Nikolayevsk In Air
HZ4720 14:05 (GVN) Sovetskaya Gavan Scheduled