Mandalay International Airport (MDL) Flight Departures

Mandalay MDL airport departures allow to check status of flight departure from Mandalay International Airport the information about flight delay status, schedule, terminal and gate.

Departure times are given in local time. Current time at Mandalay airport is 02:38 AM 2025-02-16

Myanmar Airlines | Ruili Airlines | Mann Yadanarpon Airlines | Germania | Air KBZ | Myanmar Airways | China Eastern |

Myanmar Airlines Arrivals at Mandalay International Airport
No. Scheduled Estimate/Actual Destination Status
UB661 14:10 (MYT) Myitkyina Scheduled
UB563 14:55 (KMV) Kalaymyo Scheduled



Ruili Airlines Arrivals at Mandalay International Airport
No. Scheduled Estimate/Actual Destination Status
DR5038 09:45 (LUM) Mangshi Scheduled



Mann Yadanarpon Airlines Arrivals at Mandalay International Airport
No. Scheduled Estimate/Actual Destination Status
7Y677 15:55 (THL) Tachilek Scheduled



Germania Arrivals at Mandalay International Airport
No. Scheduled Estimate/Actual Destination Status
ST917 08:55 (HEH) Heho Scheduled
ST918 08:55 (HEH) Heho Scheduled
ST737 11:45 (KHM) Kanti Scheduled
ST738 11:45 (KHM) Kanti Scheduled
ST739 14:50 (KET) Kengtung Scheduled
ST724 15:00 (THL) Tachilek Scheduled
ST740 17:30 (RGN) Yangon Scheduled



Air KBZ Arrivals at Mandalay International Airport
No. Scheduled Estimate/Actual Destination Status
K74131 06:50 (RGN) Yangon Scheduled
K74338 13:45 (RGN) Yangon Scheduled
K7229 16:15 (KMV) Kalaymyo Scheduled
K7633 16:50 (MYT) Myitkyina Scheduled



Myanmar Airways Arrivals at Mandalay International Airport
No. Scheduled Estimate/Actual Destination Status
8M131 06:50 (RGN) Yangon Scheduled
8M337 08:00 (BKK) Bangkok Scheduled
8M3308 13:45 (RGN) Yangon Scheduled
8M4229 16:15 (KMV) Kalaymyo Scheduled
8M362 16:25 (DMK) Bangkok Scheduled
8M4633 16:50 (MYT) Myitkyina Scheduled



China Eastern Arrivals at Mandalay International Airport
No. Scheduled Estimate/Actual Destination Status
MU2030 09:35 09:35 (KMG) Kunming Scheduled