Minsk National Airport (MSQ) Flight Departures

Minsk MSQ airport departures allow to check status of flight departure from Minsk National Airport the information about flight delay status, schedule, terminal and gate.

Departure times are given in local time. Current time at Minsk airport is 11:53 AM 2025-02-09

Aeroflot | Severstal Aircompany | Azerbaijan Airlines | Belavia | Uzbekistan Airways |

Aeroflot Arrivals at Minsk National Airport
No. Scheduled Estimate/Actual Destination Status
SU1835 07:00 (SVO) Moscow Landed
SU1831 11:15 (SVO) Moscow Expected
SU1843 15:25 (SVO) Moscow Scheduled
SU1833 21:10 (SVO) Moscow Scheduled



Severstal Aircompany Arrivals at Minsk National Airport
No. Scheduled Estimate/Actual Destination Status
D2510 09:50 (KLF) Kaluga No Recent Info - Call Airline
D2102 13:40 (CEE) Cherepovets Scheduled



Azerbaijan Airlines Arrivals at Minsk National Airport
No. Scheduled Estimate/Actual Destination Status
J26739 22:50 (GYD) Baku Scheduled



Belavia Arrivals at Minsk National Airport
No. Scheduled Estimate/Actual Destination Status
B2981 06:50 (VKO) Moscow No Recent Info - Call Airline
B2975 07:40 (SVO) Moscow Landed
B2941 08:10 (LED) St Petersburg Arrived
B2783 09:10 (IST) Istanbul No Recent Info - Call Airline
B2937 09:35 (KZN) Kazan No Recent Info - Call Airline
B2957 10:00 10:26 (DME) Moscow Landed
B2949 10:25 (KGD) Kaliningrad No Recent Info - Call Airline
B2911 11:35 (SVO) Moscow Scheduled
B2939 12:55 (LED) St Petersburg Scheduled
B2979 14:50 (VKO) Moscow Scheduled
B2955 17:35 (DME) Moscow Scheduled
B2945 17:45 (LED) St Petersburg Scheduled
B2977 19:55 (SVO) Moscow Scheduled
B2735 22:45 (TBS) Tbilisi Scheduled
B2739 22:50 (GYD) Baku Scheduled
B2733 22:55 (EVN) Yerevan Scheduled
B2729 23:00 (KUT) Kutaisi Scheduled
B2717 03:05 (DXB) Dubai Scheduled



Uzbekistan Airways Arrivals at Minsk National Airport
No. Scheduled Estimate/Actual Destination Status
HY710 20:40 (TAS) Tashkent Scheduled