Olbia Costa Smeralda Airport (OLB) Flight Departures

Olbia OLB airport departures allow to check status of flight departure from Olbia Costa Smeralda Airport the information about flight delay status, schedule, terminal and gate.

Departure times are given in local time. Current time at Olbia airport is 14:03 PM 2025-02-06

AeroItalia | Mistral Air | FlexFlight | Volotea |

AeroItalia Arrivals at Olbia Costa Smeralda Airport
No. Scheduled Estimate/Actual Destination Status
XZ2612 11:00 11:12 (FCO) Rome Landed
XZ2622 11:10 11:25 (LIN) Milano Landed
XZ2624 15:30 (LIN) Milano Scheduled
XZ2626 19:30 (LIN) Milano Scheduled
XZ2614 19:40 (FCO) Rome Scheduled
XZ2620 07:00 (LIN) Milano Scheduled



Mistral Air Arrivals at Olbia Costa Smeralda Airport
No. Scheduled Estimate/Actual Destination Status
M4761 01:45 (PMO) Palermo Scheduled



FlexFlight Arrivals at Olbia Costa Smeralda Airport
No. Scheduled Estimate/Actual Destination Status
W28500 11:00 (FCO) Rome No Recent Info - Call Airline
W28506 11:10 (LIN) Milano No Recent Info - Call Airline
W28533 15:30 (LIN) Milano Scheduled
W28463 19:30 (LIN) Milano Scheduled
W28529 19:40 (FCO) Rome Scheduled
W28531 07:00 (LIN) Milano Scheduled
W28527 07:05 (FCO) Rome Scheduled



Volotea Arrivals at Olbia Costa Smeralda Airport
No. Scheduled Estimate/Actual Destination Status
V71134 15:25 (FCO) Rome Scheduled
V71444 18:50 (BCN) Barcelona Scheduled