Charlotte County Airport (PGD) Flight Departures

Punta Gorda PGD airport departures allow to check status of flight departure from Charlotte County Airport the information about flight delay status, schedule, terminal and gate.

Departure times are given in local time. Current time at Punta Gorda airport is 20:38 PM 2025-02-11

Allegiant Air |

Allegiant Air Arrivals at Charlotte County Airport
No. Scheduled Estimate/Actual Destination Status
G4853 15:45 15:25 (BLV) Belleville, IL Arrived
G4851 06:00 06:00 (IAG) Niagara Falls, NY Scheduled
G4942 07:00 07:00 (PSM) Portsmouth, NH Scheduled
G4921 07:10 07:10 (ELM) Elmira/Corning, NY Scheduled
G4906 07:30 07:30 (FWA) Fort Wayne, IN Scheduled
G4887 08:00 08:00 (PIA) Peoria, IL Scheduled
G4938 08:10 08:10 (CID) Cedar Rapids, IA Scheduled
G4863 09:00 (PVD) Providence, RI Scheduled
G43602 10:00 (SBN) South Bend, IN Scheduled
G4622 10:20 (IND) Indianapolis, IN Scheduled
G43161 10:27 (FNT) Flint, MI Scheduled
G4428 11:12 (CVG) Cincinnati, OH Scheduled
G4457 11:49 (DSM) Des Moines, IA Scheduled
G4917 13:39 (BGR) Bangor, ME Scheduled
G42800 13:49 (SAV) Savannah, GA Scheduled
G4905 14:26 (SYR) Syracuse, NY Scheduled