Iqaluit Airport (YFB) Flight Departures

Iqaluit YFB airport departures allow to check status of flight departure from Iqaluit Airport the information about flight delay status, schedule, terminal and gate.

Departure times are given in local time. Current time at Iqaluit airport is 12:43 PM 2025-02-15

Air Inuit | Air Greenland | Canadian North | Cargojet |

Air Inuit Arrivals at Iqaluit Airport
No. Scheduled Estimate/Actual Destination Status
3H851 14:10 (YPH) Inukjuak Cancelled



Air Greenland Arrivals at Iqaluit Airport
No. Scheduled Estimate/Actual Destination Status
GL1772 13:05 13:05 (GOH) Nuuk Scheduled



Canadian North Arrivals at Iqaluit Airport
No. Scheduled Estimate/Actual Destination Status
5T884 08:00 08:11 (YIO) Pond Inlet Landed
5T5697 08:00 08:51 (YCY) Clyde River Landed
5T802 09:00 09:02 (YXP) Pangnirtung Landed
5T5614 09:00 10:58 (YVM) Qikiqtarjuaq Landed
5T826 10:30 11:52 (YVM) Qikiqtarjuaq In Air
5T6310 14:00 14:00 (YRB) Resolute Bay Scheduled
5T804 14:30 14:30 (YXP) Pangnirtung Scheduled
5T4872 14:50 14:50 (YGT) Igloolik Scheduled
5T5610 15:38 15:38 (YCY) Clyde River Scheduled
5T810 16:10 16:10 (YCY) Clyde River Scheduled



Cargojet Arrivals at Iqaluit Airport
No. Scheduled Estimate/Actual Destination Status
W8462 15:30 15:30 (YWG) Winnipeg ScheduledDiversion